The Salone dei Notabili houses eight paintings of some of Castel del Piano’s personalities. The collection includes portraits by Orazio Imberciadori, an artist and designer who played a great part in the modernization of the Amiata village, and Don Silvio Monaci, the well-known priest who bequeathed his library to the community upon his death: a patrimony of 3,379 volumes and more than 2,000 magazines. There are three portraits of members of the Ginanneschi family: Giovanni Ginanneschi, meritorious founder of the Rossini Philharmonic in the early 1800s; Angelo Ginanneschi, a papal cardinal who died in 1741 at the age of 70, depicted in charcoal by Francesco Notari; and Francesco Ginanneschi, of the Italian school during the early 1700s. There are two portraits of unidentified personalities, a prelate and a lady, the latter which could come from the Vegni collection. The Salone dei Notabili also houses a portrait by Giuseppe Nicola Nasini, a reproduction of the one on display in the Uffizi gallery in Florence.