The church of San Nicola di Bari is located in Piazza II Febbraio. Although it has been documented since 1276, the building looks much more recent due to its total refurbishment between 1841 and 1850, and further restoration work which took place from 1923 to 1933. The facade is divided into three parts by pilasters, and the interior is divided into three naves, with a truss vault for the central one and a cross vault for the side ones. At the end of each nave, there are three altars: the one on the left is decorated with a seventeenth-century canvas depicting the Assumption with the saints Martino and Niccolò (coming from the church of San Martino, which has since disappeared). The altar in the aisle on the right houses an oil panel depicting the Annunciation, a work by Carlo Bertocci (1990), in which an angel is introducing himself to Mary in a scene located in a room set in the sky over Castell'Azzara. In the background, the town is visible aligned with Radicofani to the east in the view from the road to Roccaccia di Montevitozzo. The painter takes advantage of the morning light that comes from the east and illuminates the houses and the inhabitants, presenting the announcement to the Virgin as a representation of the light that unites east and west, a mystery illuminated by the light that dissolves the night.