David Lazzaretti Study Centre, Arcidosso Town Hall

Part of the Amiata Museum System, the David Lazzaretti Study Centre was founded in 1981 and is divided into three sections. The first two, located in the headquarters of the Study Centre in Arcidosso’s Town Hall, are of a bibliographic and documentary/archival nature. They house studies on Lazzaretti published since the early 1900s, including manuscripts, largely unpublished letters by David Lazzaretti, and documents of the jurisdavidic movement. The iconographic sources, portraits and photographs are particularly suggestive, and the harp that belonged to Giuseppe Corsini, one of Lazzaretti’s followers who painted the banners carried in the procession of 18th August 1878, is a unique exhibit. The third section of the museum, located in Aldobrandesco Castle in Arcidosso, documents the life and work of David Lazzaretti and the jurisdavidic movement, reconstructing their history through documents, images coeval, liturgical clothes and vestments, manuscripts and photographs.